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Why video?

Customers expect video – don’t disappoint them.

Remember back in the day, when you thought you didn’t need a website to be successful? Nowadays, marketing without video is like trying to do business without a website. #don’ttryit.

Typically, consumers start their research process by looking at walk-around videos on YouTube. Then, with purchase momentum building, they move on to videos of specific cars on dealer sites. They intend to feel comfortable with the car and the dealership before they take the time to visit in person and seal the deal.

After engaging with real video content, visiting a website that offers only photos or slide shows is like hitting a (very boring) wall. Interest fades, doubt about your store creeps in, and the customer quickly looks elsewhere.

It doesn’t have to end like this! You can welcome that customer with video that makes them feel like they are at your store in person, checking out the car that grabbed their interest.

Your virtual showroom is due for a makeover.

Today, your customers start their shopping journey not by browsing in your lot or showroom but by watching videos on YouTube. In fact, more than 80% of car buyers search for a new vehicle online before they ever even set foot in a dealership. And they visit only 1.2 dealerships before making a purchase.

This means that if you don’t catch their attention online where they’re browsing, you definitely won’t be seeing them at your store when they’re ready to buy.

Simply put, your website is your showroom. And it’s the first impression you’ll make with buyers. Your site needs to invite customers to come and shop by offering them a multimedia experience that includes video and 360 spin.

Investing in live-action video for your site and having your content syndicated on popular online shopping platforms is arguably far more important than redecorating your physical showroom. Your virtual showroom is your busiest customer traffic zone, so why not make it the best it can be?

Not only do consumers pay attention to video content the most, they want to see more video content in the future — more than any other medium.

Video Apps

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Leverage your video content!

Video helps you capture customers at the start of their car search and build a relationship that will lead them to your store. Customers engage with video from the beginning of their car shopping journey to the end, and now even beyond, into their relationship with your service department. You need to be there, offering them the video content they’re looking for during their first Google search, through their comparison shopping on your competitors’ websites and social media platforms, all the way to your BDC. At every stage, you’re building trust through the transparency and human connection that only video can deliver.

LESA offers the tools you need to do all of the above. By now you already know our apps make it easy to create professional-looking walkaround videos for your website. But did you know we also use automated social media to leverage this same content across popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google My Business? Having a digital showroom with shareable content in all these key places at the same time drives up engagement exponentially, which leads to more in-person buyer traffic. Intrigued? You can read more about it here in our blog.

In addition to expanding your online presence, we’ll help you use Video SEO to drive more traffic to your dealership website. Google now grants top priority to video search results, so your vehicles will start ranking higher than the photos-only competition once they are viewable in video format. Check out this graphic that illustrates how video engages customers from their initial search to signing the purchase agreement.

Video in the search funnel

Opportunity is not only knocking, it’s banging on your door.

Of all the topics in YouTube, “vehicle videos” was found to be the second most viewed category! However, only 1% of all the videos posted to YouTube were vehicle videos.

There’s a digital frontier out there, full of customers hungry for vehicle videos. Customers who will only buy once they’ve spent time viewing videos. Yet the supply of video content is not yet up to speed with the demand. In other words, buyers are waiting for you to open the doors of your virtual showroom.

If you decide to open those doors, shoppers will stay longer. Google Analytics show that consumers who engage with videos on a website will spend three times more time on that site compared to those viewing a site without video. Not only that, but the goal conversion rate is also three times higher for customers engaging with video. Three times higher. Triple. Three.

Now that you’ve learned what video can do for your business, ask yourself: Why wouldn’t I want to take advantage of such an obvious opportunity?  We’re here to help you take the opportunity and run with it. Contact us.

Which Video App is right for your business?

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