Finally, Spring
It’s been a long, hard winter for a lot of us, and we know how difficult it was to get out there and shoot inventory videos in below zero temperatures (try getting a camera to even turn on in negative degree weather!). So, thank you to all of our videographers for braving the storms and keeping customers supplied with fresh content. You help us grow!
In this Newsletter:
LESA Chosen to Speak at 16th Digital Dealer
We are pleased to announce that LESA Video Solutions has been selected to speak at the 16th Digital Dealer Conference and Exposition in Atlantic City, NJ! Our Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder Tom Rocha will be hosting a speaking session about harnessing the power of testimonial videos and would love to see you in the audience. Also in attendance will be our CEO and founder, Philip Ly, as well as our digital media manager, Erika Farese. We also have a suite booked at Harrah’s Resort and Casino; give Tom a call at (210) 685-3613 or drop him a line at to schedule a meetup!
Recent Study on Video in Automotive Industry
Brought to you by the people at Portratz, a distinguished automotive advertising agency, the below video highlights the importance of including video in your dealership’s lead conversion strategy. They reference some pretty impressive industry stats :
– Over 50% of shoppers watch over a half hour of video before purchasing a product.
– 1 in 4 people spend an hour or more watching videos about products they’re interested in.
– VDP’s receive up to 20% more clicks on vehicles with videos.
– Dealerships that implement video into answering and obtaining leads have been shown to grow by 30%.

They also mention the importance of having a video for every car on the lot. This could be seen as a daunting task for a larger dealer, but a hollywood production is not required! As was mentioned before, many people spend a lot of time watching video (some over an hour’s worth!) before making a product selection. By the time they reach a dealership website, they’ve seen the big-budgeted productions on sites like Edmunds and just want to see full-motion video of the actual car that they’ll potentially purchase. A two to three minute video showcasing the exterior and interior of a vehicle will tell a customer everything he or she needs to know to get them down to the lot.
Vehicle Walk-Around
Setting yourself apart from the competition can be a challenge, and sometimes you have to go the extra mile to convert your leads into paying customers. LESA makes this process easier with the introduction of Vehicle Video Walk-Around. The newest addition to the LESA Dealer Video Testimonial app, Vehicle Video Walk-Around allows you to instantly add full-motion video, salesperson information and picture, as well as a custom message to a follow-up lead email. Its addition to the testimonial app brings tremendous value to this already indispensable dealer product, ensuring that you get the most bang for your buck.
Be sure to visit our
website for more information
VDP is Key
A car’s vehicle details page is arguably the most important page on a dealer’s website: impressions formed here are those that determine whether a car will be bought or not. A recent study by
Cobalt even suggests that the more time customers spend on a VDP, the more likely they are to purchase that vehicle. The best way to keep customers engaged at this crucial juncture in the car-buying process is by adding a full-motion video to each vehicle details page. Filmed in a single, continuous shot with added human voiceover, our videos are proven to capture the attention of online shoppers and increase time spent on VDP.