Digital Dealer Recap
Earlier this month, LESA showcased its full-motion video products at our first ever booth at the Digital Dealer 19 expo in Las Vegas. Unlike the NADA convention (at which we also had a booth this year), Digital Dealer has a narrower scope and focuses on how digital technology can be utilized effectively by a modern dealership. Needless to say, being a full-motion video company, we fit in nicely and attracted many excited people looking for video.

Full-Motion Demo: Far left: Giancarlo Asong, Middle: Tracy Barbatti, Far right: Phil Ly
Our marketing director, Tracy Barbatti (pictured above), had a very positive show experience, stating,”Video was a hot topic at Digital Dealer 19. Dealerships are finally giving their customers full-motion video…They get it!.”After such a warm reception in Las Vegas, we are looking forward to a repeat experience at Digital Dealer 20.